frequently asked questions


Do you ship internationally?

Possibly! Contact me & let’s chat about the rates.

Tell me more about shipping costs & how you ship.

I use as much recycled packaging as possible - reusing envelopes, constructing my own boxes, using brown paper bags - I hand make my business cards & try my best to source any other parts of the packaging from second hand stores!

I usually ship through USPS unless the package is large enough that it is cheaper to go through FedEx or UPS.

Most single items will ship first class in the U.S. because they are under 13 oz. Anything above that will ship priority mail.

Delivery confirmation tracking number is always provided.
Insurance must be requested.
I am not responsible for packages lost in the mail or not delivered.

What is your return/exchange policy?

Returns on ready to ship items are accepted - if return is requested within 7 days from delivery, a refund of the item (not any shipping costs) will be given once the item is returned. Buyer pays for return shipping, too. If return is requested after that 7 day mark, store credit/exchange will be given once the item is returned.

** Returns on custom orders will be refunded half of their payment once the item is is returned. Buyer pays for return shipping. The other half (the depost) will not be refunded.

Exchanges are encouraged over returns - you will get a full credit with an exchange. Reach out & let’s discuss how I can make your experience with me a positive one!

Do you take donations of old clothing?

Yes! I am currently ONLY looking for denim, solid white black or colored garments & textiles. Plant based only, I will not take your synthetic textiles at this time.

I also offer the option of a gift card towards my shop as an exchange for donation.

More information on my donation page!

Where do you source your garments?

Most ready to ship garments are hand picked from second-hand stores so I can inspect each piece for wear & tear. Sometimes I shop the clearance rack for pieces that are out of season - in which I save for the following year. Friends & relatives have donated items to me, too! Up-cycling is environmentally friendly, helps reduce global waste, & more affordable than brand new clothing. When I do buy new, I try my best to source from ethical businesses.

What are your other sustainable practices?

I am on a forever journey of learning how to build a more sustainable creative practice & reduce my carbon footprint both in the studio & in my home life.

Shipping/packaging materials are either recycled or found at second hand stores.

Each dyed textile is individually processed by hand using quality low impact synthetic dyes or natural plant based dyes. Non toxic & safe against the skin.

My washout process is a series of small soaking baths in my top loading washing machine. The small soaking baths reduce water usage, machine wash helps reduce aching hands. Weather/season dependent, I either hang dry or dry in a machine.

How do custom orders work?

I take a limited amount of customs every month. This number will fluctuate depending on current projects & specific custom requests.

Customs take me 3-6 weeks to complete & drop off at the post office.

A non-refundable deposit of half is required to claim your custom order. The final payment + shipping cost can be paid at any time before I am done & ready to ship your order. Order will not ship without finally payment.

Contact me here to request a custom order!

What about wholesale & collaborations?

Collaborations are one of my favorite ways to work lately! Currently (slowly) developing a portfolio page & better system of how to request these two offerings.

Feel free to reach out here for now!

A few notes on sizing/measurements:

Measurements are taken to the best of my ability: Garments are laid flat & documented by inches with a measuring tape .

I believe self expression through what we wear should not be limited to gender based stereotypes. So, I don’t subscribe to the binary of ‘mens’ & ‘womens’ clothing. Instead you will see descriptions of each article of clothing as either ‘unisex’ for a more relaxed fit; or ‘fitted’ for garments that are shaped more shaped to hug the body. 

Because I don’t often purchase clothing in bulk, it is improtant to check the measurements even if you usually fit a certain size. Different brands have different measurements for their sizing. Especially when comparing between fitted & unisex.

Note the type of fabric that each garment is made of to understand the fit better. Some examples: Anything with elastane/spandex will have a bit of a stretch. Linen is thicker than cotton. Rayon/modal/viscose is somewhat silky/soft & drapes over body in a fitted fashion. Cotton is a classic fit.

If you are unsure what your measurements are, I suggest either youtubing “how to take clothing measurements” or pulling out your favorite garments & measuring those to my guide below.

A simple guide for decoding my most common measurements of garments that are laid flat: 

    • Chest = armpit to armpit x 2

    • Waist = top of pants/bottom of shirt, left to right x 2

    • Hip = About an inch above the crotch, left to right x 2

    • Length = Where collar meets shoulder seam to bottom of garment

    • Inseam = crotch to bottom of pant

    • Outer-seam= Entire outside of the leg of pant

How do I care for my dyed goods?

To guarantee garment vibrancy over time for items dyed with synthetic dyes:

Always wash & dry with as little heat as possible!!
Machine or hand wash cold/gentle cycle with like colors and a neutral detergent. Hang Dry or tumble on delicate/low heat.
Safe against sensitive & baby skin.
Extended sun or chlorine exposure will eventually fade dyes.
Do not bleach!

To guarantee garment vibrancy over time for items dyed with plant dyes:

Color is intended to last a significant amount of time, but is not guaranteed permanent color like with synthetic/commercial dyes. With proper care, your textile will live rich in color!
Hand wash cold with a neutral pH detergent. Hang Dry.
Safe against sensitive & baby skin.
Extended sun or chlorine exposure will fade dyes.
Do not bleach!